Sign up member
Click the "member login icon" button at the upperright corner of the page to sign up for member (using email or Facebook).
First time shopping
Please sign up as amember of the CEO House online store or you can use a guest account.
Members can viewshopping records (such as order number, order record, order details or orderstatus) in "Orders".
Online shoppingprocess
1. Sign in to the CEOHouse online store,
2. Select favoriteproducts and quantity,
3. Click "Add toCart"
4. After completingthe purchase, click the "shopping cart icon" in the upper rightcorner and then click "Checkout" to proceed with the checkout.
5. Please confirm thepurchased items / quantity and or "promotion code" (if applicable)before checkout,
6. Click"Checkout", you can choose to log in to "Member Sign in or Facebook Sign in " or check out as aguest.
7. Select the deliverymethod and click "Checkout",
8. Please confirm theorder information, and select the payment method (Visa / Master / Amex Card /Alipay / Payme / FPS / Bank transfer (ATM) / Paypal),
9. Follow theinstructions to enter your payment and delivery information,
10. Click "PlaceOrder" to confirm the order and complete the transaction.