Order Information Delivery & Payment Method Shipping Destination Hong Kong Delivery Method No Matched Option Surcharge for residential or remote areas is paid by the guestShipment of goods within three working days after payment (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)After the order is completed, the system will send a confirmation email to your registered email address.If you find that you have not received it, please check it in the spam email box. If you have not received it, please check with Facebook Msg or What's App +852 68087760For any enquiries about SF Express, please call our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 273 00 273 or visit www.sf-express.com Payment Method Free Checkout Item Subtotal: HK$0 {{ 'tax.fee' | translate }} Delivery Fee: HK$0 Total (0 items): HK$0    Limit {{ product.max_order_quantity }} per order.  {{ purchaseLimitError }}